As many small business owners will appreciate, starting your own business is an incredibly exciting, but hellishly scary, thing to do. Motorsparks is proud to say that after 4 years of trading, we’re still going strong. And as a result, we thought we’d celebrate with a new look and feel.
Motorsparks Ltd was incorporated in 2012 after the director, Denny Roberts, decided to take his skills within the telematics and auto-electrical industry and put them to good use within his own business. With many years of experience under his belt, Denny has been consistently building Motorsparks into a business that serves its regular and new customer base with quality service, honest product offering and consistent value for money.
So it was only time that we spruced up the old logo and hire a designer to smooth some of the rough edges, and set us up for the next phase of business.
Huge thank you to Dan Warburton from World Wide Warb for your patience, and absolutely professionalism while we mulled over so many options and changed our minds!
He was proudly recommended by the Lancashire Hot Pots (that nutty lot!) and we are so glad we listened to them.
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