With the global increase in the price of fuel businesses are forced to look at fuel consumption of their fleet vehicles. Therefore the demand of fuel management systems, providing fuel consumption monitoring, driver behavior analysis and fuel cards integration is on increase. Fortunately, where there’s demand, there’s supply– today the market o?ers an array of solutions for fuel management. But only few of them provide complex fuel and driver behavior analysis as well as are flexible enough to be integrated with fuel cards and ERP systems. Wialon fleet management platform is one amongst this category.
You’ll be surprised to discover where your fuel goes
Wialon fuel control module allows for both fuel level monitoring in real time and fuel consumption analysis based on reports, where the information is presented in tables and charts. All the data necessary for fuel consumption control is acquired either from various types of after- market fuel sensors supported in the system or CAN-bus. Be it fuel theft or unreasonable fuel burn, prompt reaction of management team allows saving up to 15-30% of fuel costs and consequently eliminates the very idea of fuel theft among drivers. According to statistics, system payback period amounts to 3-4 months.
Double check to assure driver compliance with reliable fuel thefts and fillings detection. Apart from data in reports, detailed landmarks history with additional information in event tooltips is also available on the map, including the volume, date and time of fuel thefts.
Moreover, fuel report table may contain information on fuel fillings and possible fuel thefts with precise date, time, initial and final fuel levels and fillings/ thefts volume. The statistics on each unit and the whole fleet is available to provide you with the general picture of fleet performance.
E?ective notification system via SMS, emails and pop-up windows allows for immediate reaction to the emerging issues, no matter if you are in or o? o?ce – just use your smartphone with Wialon native mobile app available for Android and iOS.
Driver behavior impacts fuel consumption more than you think
Driver behavior, studies show, impacts both fuel economy and vehicle repair and maintenance to a tremendous degree. In our experience, different driving behavior a?ecting fuel consumption for 30% between the worse and the best. Aggressive driving further results in greater wear and tear on a vehicle.
Fleet operators are now finding that intelligently implemented driver policies aimed at reducing poor driving behavior can increase road safety and bring substantial savings, which benefit the bottom line. That’s why our company focused on developing an intelligent tool “Eco Driving” for driving quality assessment as an add-on to Wialon fleet management system. The tool is intended to help to improve fleet safety, save on fleet maintenance, reduce fuel costs and enhance cargo safety.
“Eco Driving” module helps control aggressive acceleration, speeding, sharp turns and braking, which can be crucial for cargo safety. It also checks for reckless driving–to detect speeding before abrupt braking takes place (for instance, harsh accelerations and decelerations at traffic lights stops). Thus with the help of Wialon-based
“Eco Driving” module a fleet owner gets a comprehensive driver behavior analytics for each trip or for any time period or distance travelled and can detect how drivers treat the entrusted vehicle and whether they try to save corporate fuel by reasonable driving manners.
Fuel cards for absolute fuel control
Wialon fleet management system is integrated with a range of fuel cards services providing customers with an opportunity to control where every fuel rupee was spent by verifying each transaction for the conformity of the fuel card and vehicle, matching the location of the vehicle and the gas station and conformity of purchased and filled fuel volumes.
For those seeking for an e?ective fuel management solution it can be the matter of saving fuel costs, environment protection or driver compliance control. Business world of today urges companies to look for universal solutions with all-in-one functionality and guaranteed results. All this presupposes e?ective analytics based on reliable data, multiple hardware options, quick response system, insight into driver behavior, vehicle technical condition and other parameters implicitly affecting fuel consumption.
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